Experience with a Job Consultancy in Delhi

Job Consultancy In Delhi

I wanted to share a bit about my recent experience with a job consultancy in Delhi. It all started with a promising offer—they said they could help me land a job in the city for a fee of 2000/-. Excited about the prospect, I went ahead and paid up, hoping for the best.
But things took a sour turn soon after. After I paid, they kind of disappeared. My calls and messages went unanswered, and it felt like they just vanished into thin air.
Days went by, and still, no word from them. It became pretty clear that something fishy was going on. Turns out, I had fallen for a scam—a fake job consultancy pretending to help people find work, but really just taking their money and running.
Losing that cash stung, but what hurt more was feeling like I’d been tricked. It’s a tough lesson learned, but hopefully, sharing my story can help others avoid making the same mistake.
So, if you’re looking for a job in Delhi, be careful who you trust. Not everyone out there has your best interests at heart.

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